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Fees and auto insurance | Village Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre

Fees & Charges

All you need to know about Fees and Charges

Insured patients (Patient with EHC coverage)

  • Village Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre files the primary and secondary insurance claims on behalf of the patients
  • Patients are required to pay the remaining balance if the insurance company does not pay in full
  • We cannot waive co-payments and deductibles
  • If the insurance company denies payment to the healthcare provider directly, the patient will be responsible for payment to the healthcare provider’s office and collecting the money from their insurance company
  • Unfortunately, not all insurance companies accept electronic submissions. Therefore, we may need you to sign the manual claim form for processing


Non-insured patients

  • Payment in full is due at the time services are rendered unless prior financial arrangements have been made
  • Personal cheques are NOT accepted
  • We accept Debit and Cash

We also Accept:

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